


35,9 x 56,3 cms

Sihl Creative Textured 240 gr 100% Cotton Acid-Free, UltraChrome Inks HDR, Colour Guaranteed for 300 Years

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Giclée printing is a digital printing technique that uses an inkjet printer to create high-quality prints. The term “Giclée” is derived from the French word “gicler”, which means “to spray”.

Giclée printing is used to reproduce original artwork, photographs and other types of images. The technique allows prints to be created with a wide range of colors and shades, and with a level of detail that rivals that of the original works.

The koi fish is a variety of carp that is characterized by its different colors and striking patterns. Originally from China, the koi fish is highly appreciated in Japanese culture and is considered a symbol of good luck, strength and perseverance.

In the Japanese tradition, raising and caring for koi fish is a very popular practice. They are given great value due to their beauty and their ability to transform, since they can grow and develop more intense colors as they go through different stages of their life.

The koi fish is known for its endurance and longevity, which makes it a symbol of perseverance and overcoming obstacles. It is also believed that they bring good fortune and success in life. In some Japanese homes or gardens, special ponds are built to raise and exhibit these fish.

Weight 0,2 kg
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